problema di connessione al body computer con multiecuscan e alfa obd

try to unistall the cable then to update the drivers and reinstall the cable..
cable usb, wifi or bt?
I have tried several cables and yellow adaptors. I also tried the one that my workshop uses. Probably it is a problem of the obd port of the car but what kind of problem? Especially since I can connect to engine and abs and that there is a resistance between the CAN pins 1 and 9. Seriously am I the only one that has that problem?
I have tried several cables and yellow adaptors. I also tried the one that my workshop uses. Probably it is a problem of the obd port of the car but what kind of problem? Especially since I can connect to engine and abs and that there is a resistance between the CAN pins 1 and 9. Seriously am I the only one that has that problem?
Hi, I've recently used MES with the yellow adapter on my giulietta. Not a single problem. I was on the latest version of MES and windows 10. Since you are experiencing problems with both MES and AlfaOBD, I think that maybe your suggestion is right: there's a problem with the obd port of your car. You should be able to remove it from the dashboard (it's just retained with plastic clips) and inspect it's back. Maybe one of the pin that connect to the yellow adapter was pushed back when installing the adapter itself on the obd port. As such, you should be able to see a cable "popping out" from the back of the obd port. if that's the case, you can put it back inside the port and hot-glue it in position
- Informazione Pubblicitaria -
I have tried several cables and yellow adaptors. I also tried the one that my workshop uses. Probably it is a problem of the obd port of the car but what kind of problem? Especially since I can connect to engine and abs and that there is a resistance between the CAN pins 1 and 9. Seriously am I the only one that has that problem?

Have you tried using another PC?
Have you recently made any software updates to the operating system?
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γes, I even tried another computer in the workshop
Have you made any changes to the car?

It can't be an OBD port problem otherwise the Ecu reading wouldn't work either.
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Have you made any changes to the car?

It can't be an OBD port problem otherwise the Ecu reading wouldn't work either.
scusa beppe, ma lui dice che le letture gli funzionano senza adattatore. quando usa l'adattatore (che ha verificato essere ok/ne ha provato più di uno) le letture non funzionano. se non sbaglio l'adattatore serve a ""ricablare"" la prota obd (nel senso che la porta obd all'estremità dell'adattatore è quella originale ma con dei pin invertiti). Non potrebbe essere che gli si sia sfilato qualche pin dalla porta obd della dashboard? prima di mettermi a ispezionare centraline farei questa verifica, che è la più semplice e indolore
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what kind of changes? only rear and front camera to uconnect live
scusa beppe, ma lui dice che le letture gli funzionano senza adattatore. quando usa l'adattatore (che ha verificato essere ok/ne ha provato più di uno) le letture non funzionano. se non sbaglio l'adattatore serve a ""ricablare"" la prota obd (nel senso che la porta obd all'estremità dell'adattatore è quella originale ma con dei pin invertiti). Non potrebbe essere che gli si sia sfilato qualche pin dalla porta obd della dashboard? prima di mettermi a ispezionare centraline farei questa verifica, che è la più semplice e indolore
i have checked the pins. they seem ok, and there is a resistance between pins 1 and 9 of 293ohms