Retrocompatibilità e Ricambi Giulietta Restyling MY14 (INFO AL PRIMO POST)

Hello, I´m from Germany. At first, I´m sorry for my English, I hope you understand my question: My Giulietta is from 2010 and I want to change to the new seats from the Facelift. Can somebody tell me, what they changed from the seats? Thank you!
Qualcuno potrebbe passarmi il contatto di Enzo per ordinare le griglie dei fendinebbia e il coprifusibili? Grazie.
- Informazione Pubblicitaria -
Hello, I´m from Germany. At first, I´m sorry for my English, I hope you understand my question: My Giulietta is from 2010 and I want to change to the new seats from the Facelift. Can somebody tell me, what they changed from the seats? Thank you!

First of all congratulations on your choice! The new seats are more wrap-around then the previous ones and they are more containing. As Polinesiano said, you can install them on the 2010 model.
Thank you for answering! I want to change only the cushions from the seats to fit it with the original upholstery. Understand? What they changed from the seats? I think the seatframes are the same?
E' possibile "trapiantare" i sedili nuovi su quelli vecchi? Il telaio dei sedili è lo stesso? Vorrebbe mettere l'imbottitura dei MY14 nelle fodere della MY10. Non penso sia possibile farlo...
Perhaps, somebody can look for the numbers from the seats from old to new with FIAT eper?