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Infatti come puoi vedere da questo thread i possessori del 6.5 (e ci sono anche io) non è che siano tanto contenti. Unisciti (come ho fatto io) a tutti quelli che hanno fatto reclamo su "Altroconsumo". Chissà che l'alto numero di reclami non abbia un qualche effetto.
Già fatto parlavo proprio di quello.....
Inserito il reclamo con Altroconsumo.
Spiamo che il numero dei reclami li induca finalmente ad agire.

Io non credo che tecnicamente sia un grande problema per i programmatori delle mappe fare l'aggiornamento anche per il 6.5 pollici.
Sono anche convinto che l’hardware (schermo a parte) sia identico.
questo e mesi nell' usa forum....sembra c'è un nuovo software per old infotainment

As the other thread was getting a bit long, here a condensed version [emoji6]

Remark: Updated version from original, date 14 March 2020

Information on updating maps and software for Giulia/stelvio infotainment system

Note that systems and software are same for giulia and stelvio, so same procedures apply.

There are currently 2 hardware versions of the infotainment hardware, one from approx 2017 and earlier (old system), the other (new) introduced since then (intro new around Nov '17 Europe, July '17 USA). Note: the new 2020 facelift models have a different system, this is not covered here.
The functionality of the 2 systems is the same, but they use different processors and internal circuitry, and so require different firmware.
The new system appears to be about twice as fast as the old system.
Another difference is that new systems can have Apple Carplay/Android Auto, old systems are not capable of this.

Easy way to see which system you have is by looking at the firmware version via the system menu.
<settings> <system> <software update> <current version>
The "old" firmware is numbered, etc., the "new" system is numbered with higher numbers in front, such as, etc.
Starting with support for AA/ACP was added (though not automatically activated).
The firmware versions cannot be exchanged, so for firmware updates the correct series software for the installed hardware must be used. The system checks for compatibility at update.

Initialy firmware versions were available as download from Alfa for updating, however, at some point Alfa closed this update path. There are however still early versions circulating on the internet. A number of these were collected and are available via the bottom on this posting.
Official update route for firmware is via the dealer, maps via user.

Latest version for the old hardware (in Europe) is currently 002.009.055. Recently 002.010.041 was introduced, unclear if this is also compatible for Europe. For Australia (new Zealand?) there is a 002.009.056 version that solves the voice recognition problem they had (now also 002.009.061?). For Nafta there is a version 002.009.059, which solves reboot issues with satelite receiver. Note both these last versions are not compatible with Europe. There is also a new version 002.010.041.
Early versions such as were not yet suited for user map updates, and require updating to at least to enable map updates.

Firmware for new hardware is still continuously evolving (beginning 2020) ....
One of the early versions was, other versions (examples) 056.000.007, 072.001.002, 081.000.004, 085.000.046, 090.000.061 etc.
Apparently updating past from earlier versions to later also requires checking if following modules are at sufficient software version, and these might require updating.

* AMP (Amplifier HiFi system)
* BSM (Brake System Module)
* IPC (Instrument Panel Cluseter)
* PAM (Parking Assist Module)
* LBSS/RBSS (Blind Spot Sensors)
* BCM (Body Computer Module)

This needs to be done by dealer as this requires the dealer tool Witech2. See also info file 085 update.pdf in the downloads.

Map updates (in Europe) can be downloaded from the Mopar website, after registering as they require a license file for installation, based on the VIN of the car.
Officialy they are free (at least) the first 3 years after car registration.
Original supplier of the maps is TomTom, new maps come out every 3 months. There is a difference in maps for the 6.5" systems and 8.8" systems, the correct (latest) map for your car should automatically be presented on the Mopar site upon registering with your VIN.

Update procedures:
Format a 16 Gb USB stick as NTFS. Note that MacOS extended, as mentioned as option for map updates, seems to give more problems with firmware updates, so Windows NTFS is recomended for firmware updates.
Download the correct version for the installed infotainment hardware. This is usually zipped.
Unzip the file, this should give a .bin file, a .xml file and possibly a .md5 file.

* place all unzipped files on root of USB stick
* place stick in USB port car. Don't use usb port in rear, as this is power only
* make sure there are no other devices in any of the other USB ports
* start engine and switch off start/stop
* select <settings> <system> <software update> <update software>
* update should start, takes approx 15 minutes. System will reboot once or twice during update
* after completion, remove usb stick

Maps (Europe)
Format a 16 Gb USB stick as NTFS. On Apple it seems MacOS extended (journaled) also works for maps.
If first time, create an account on Mopar website. Download license file and map file
This should give 2 files, a .dct file (license) and a .bin file (map)

* place the 2 files on root of USB stick
* place stick in USB port car. Don't use usb port in rear, as this is power only
* make sure there are no other devices in any of the other USB ports
* start engine, switch off start/stop
* select <settings> <system> <maps update>
* update should start, takes approx 70 minutes on "old" hardware, 30 minutes on "new".

Note: the system will tell you it will take much longer, this is incorrect though, the above times are approx correct
Update should be started whilst car is stationary. After update starts to run, car can be driven during update. Do not switch off engine during the update, as this will cancel the update.
- after completion, remove usb stick

Special remarks on early version firmware
001 was the first version of the infotainment firmware for the "old" system.
This did/does not support user updates of the maps via USB yet, it does however support firmware updates via USB.
To be able to use the option to update maps, and solve a number of bugs, it is recommended to update to the last version 002.009.055 (Europe). Also the navigation was improved with version 002.
This update can be done with the standard procedure above. However, updating from will delete the existing installed maps and possibly onboard manual. This is not a problem, as after the update to you can subsequently install the latest maps, and if required, the onboard manual. Just takes a bit more work first time [emoji6]

=============== DOWNLOADS ===============

Unofficial download location 002.009.055:

Unofficial download location 002.010.041:
Relevant Service News File:

Unofficial download location 056.000.007:

Unofficial download location 085.000.046 :
Relevant Service news file:
info file 085 update.pdf

Unofficial download location 090.000.061 :
Relevant Service news file:

Unofficial download location onboard manual M72
Note: not sure if the manual will install, as according to enclosed config file it's originally for firmware 002.009.047

info 002.009.055
service bulletin 08-002-18

info 002.010.041:

info 002.009.059
service bulletin 08-013-19
- Informazione Pubblicitaria -
Grazie LupiVeloce!
A me Alfa ha detto che dopo lo 056 per la mia Giulia del 2018 con il 6.5 non ci sono aggiornamenti del firmware. Non sono riuscito in nessun modo a farmi installare la 090.
Ora non sono più nella garanzia biennale, ma nella Maximum Care.
Dovete scrivere tutti i numeri delle versioni FW, altrimenti fate confusione, a volte riportate i primi tre, a volte gli utlimi tre
Quella che chiamate 090 è la 090.000.061 che è la seconda versione HW
Swordsman, tu hai la prima versione penso... ovvio che non riesci ad installare la 090.000.061
questo e mesi nell' usa forum....sembra c'è un nuovo software per old infotainment

As the other thread was getting a bit long, here a condensed version [emoji6]

Remark: Updated version from original, date 14 March 2020......

Ciao LupiVeloce, avresti, per favore, il link del forum americano? Grazie .
Ma scusate ma in sede di tagliandi l'aggiornano il software o gli va detto?
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