Super! I hope you can make the design of the DNA screen a bit more sophisticated. I don't have any complains about the current software, only that the DNA design is a bit simple and cheap.
Looking forward for the release!
Super! I hope you can make the design of the DNA screen a bit more sophisticated. I don't have any complains about the current software, only that the DNA design is a bit simple and cheap.
Looking forward for the release!
All 3 screens: all weather, normal and dynamic. The icons are a bit cheap... Difficult to say, but I liked the Kyto83 style more regarding the design of this 3 screens... I was a bit more advanced and modern:
All 3 screens: all weather, normal and dynamic. The icons are a bit cheap... Difficult to say, but I liked the Kyto83 style more regarding the design of this 3 screens... I was a bit more advanced and modern: