Mondiale F1 2007 [Postiamo tutto qui]

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McLaren fined, stripped of constructors’ pointsMcLaren have been excluded from the 2007 constructors’ championship and fined US$100 million following Thursday’s FIA World Motor Sport Council (WMSC) hearing in Paris. Drivers Fernando Alonso and Lewis Hamilton have not been penalized and are free to continue their fight for the drivers' title.

"The WMSC have stripped Vodafone McLaren Mercedes of all constructor points in the 2007 FIA Formula One world championship and the team can score no points for the remainder of the season,” said an FIA statement.

"Furthermore, the team will pay a fine equal to $100m, less the FOM (Formula One Management) income lost as a result of the points deduction.”

The penalty follows McLaren’s admission that the team was in breach of the International Sporting Code through their possession of confidential technical data belonging to rivals Ferrari, who are now all but assured of the 2007 constructors’ title.

The FIA will explain the reasons behind the Council's decision on Friday.

The full statement from the FIA:

In an extraordinary meeting of the World Motor Sport Council was held in Paris on the 12th of September 2007, The following decision was taken:

"The WMSC has stripped Vodafone McLaren Mercedes of all constructors' points in the 2007 FIA Formula One World Championshiop an the team can score no point for the remainder of the season *.

"Furthermore, the team will pay a fine equal to 100 million dollar, less the FOM income lost as a result of the points deduction.

"However, due to the exceptional circumstances in which the FIA gave the team's drivers an immunity in return for providing evidence, there is no penalty in regards to drivers' points **.

"The WMSC will receive a full technical report on the 2008 McLaren car and will take a decision at its December 2007 meeting as to what sanction, if any, will be imposed on the team for the 2008 season."

The full reasons for this decision will be issued on the 14th September 2007.

* Points gained by other teams so far this season will not be affected.

** No McLaren representative will be allowed on the podium should a McLaren driver win any of the remaining races of the 2007 season.
Si, in pratica la FIA ha condannato la Scuderia McLaren ad una multa di 100 milioni di €, azzerato il punteggio nel Campionato Costruttori 2007 e valuterà entro dicembre l'ipotesi di impedirne l'iscrizione per il Mondiale del 2008 !
Resterano invariate le posizioni in classifica dei piloti Alonso ed Hamilton (definiti utili ai fini dell'inchiesta) che potranno continuare a concorrere per il titolo Mondiale Piloti.

Una bella botta per il Team Anglo-Tedesco ... :aktion060:
la trovo giusta solo a metà questa sentenza! La Mclaren andava sì punita però i piloti non sono stati puniti, visto che stanno correndo con il materiale copiato dalla Ferrari non hanno avuto sanzioni. Il motivo della loro non-punizione è l'aver collaborato :put_down:
- Informazione Pubblicitaria -
Anche per me è giusta solo a metà questa sentenza, andavano puniti anche i piloti, che sapevano tutto. Hanno corso per un anno intero con una macchina copiata e non hanno avuto neanche la più piccola sanzione, mi sembra veramente assurdo.
che sia una sentenza "compromesso" è evidente però tutto sommato non sarei scontento perchè cmq sia si tratta di una sentenza che toglie di fatto il mondiale scuderia quest'anno e compromette seriamente quello dell'anno prossimo perchè a Wokimg dovranno pagare oltre la multa di 100mln di dollari anche le conseguenze della mancata vittoria di quest'anno, danno quantificabile in alemnto 40-50mln di dollari. Con questo voglio dire che a causa dei mancati introiti avranno dei seri problemi nello sviluppo della futuro monoposto. Dico questo partendo dal presupposto che mai mi sarei aspettato, dopo la prima sentenza, una condanna della mclaren
Però le mail tra De La Rosa ed Alonso esistono e parlano chiaro: Alonso era al corrente di tutto e sapeve bene di potere godere dei vantaggi che gli provenivano dalle informazioni riservate della Ferrari.
Penso che almeno lui andava punito insieme alla Squadra ...

Posto alcuni significativi passaggi del documento ufficiale del World Motor Sport Council FIA: E' a dir poco imbarazzante.

weight distribution

3.5 On 21 March 2007 at 09.57 Mr. de la Rosa wrote to Coughlan in the following
Hi Mike, do you know the Red Car’s Weight Distribution? It would be
important for us to know so that we could try it in the simulator. Thanks in
advance, Pedro.
p.s. I will be in the simulator tomorrow

3.6 In his evidence given to the WMSC, Mr. de la Rosa confirmed that Coughlan
replied by text message with precise details of Ferrari’s weight distribution.

3.7 On 25 March 2007 at 01.43 Mr. de la Rosa sent an e-mail to Fernando Alonso
which sets out Ferrari’s weight distribution to two decimal places on each of
Ferrari’s two cars as set up for the Australian Grand Prix.

3.8 Mr. Alonso replied to this e-mail on 25 March 2007 at 12.31 (they were in
different time zones). His e-mail includes a section headed “Ferrari” in which he
says “its weight distribution surprises me; I don’t know either if it’s 100%
reliable, but at least it draws attention
”. The e-mail continues with a discussion
of how McLaren’s weight distribution compares with Ferrari’s.

3.9 Mr. de la Rosa replied on 25 March 2007 13.02 stating the following:
All the information from Ferrari is very reliable. It comes from Nigel Stepney,
their former chief mechanic – I don’t know what post he holds now. He’s the
same person who told us in Australia that Kimi was stopping in lap 18. He’s very
friendly with Mike Coughlan, our Chief Designer, and he told him that

3.10 Mr. de la Rosa’s e-mail to Coughlan specifically stated that he wished to receive
Ferrari’s weight distribution for the purposes of testing it in the simulator the
following day (“It would be important for us to know so that we could try it in the

flexible wing and aero balance

3.12 In the same e-mail exchange of 25 March 2007, Mr. de la Rosa states that tests
had been carried out on a flexible rear wing which Mr. de la Rosa says is “a copy
of the system we think Ferrari uses
”. The Ferrari car’s precise aero balance at 250
kph is also identified. While it is conceivable that the former item could have
been copied from observation of the Ferrari car, it is clear from the context of the
exchange (it being part of the information that Mr. de la Rosa describes as being
“very reliable” because it comes from Stepney) that the latter item is confidential
to Ferrari and that it was passed to Mr. de la Rosa by Coughlan, who got it from

tyre gas

3.13 Mr de la Rosa’s e-mail to Mr. Alonso on 25 March 2007 at 01.43 identified a gas
that Ferrari uses to inflate its tyres to reduce the internal temperature and
blistering. The e-mail concludes with a statement (in relation to the gas) that
we’ll have to try it, it’s easy!”.

3.14 Mr Alonso replied at 12.31 that it is “very important” that McLaren test the gas
that Ferrari uses in its tyres as “they have something different from the rest”, and
“not only this year. there is something else and this may be the key; let’s hope
we can test it during this test, and that we can make it a priority!

3.15 Mr. de la Rosa replied on 25 March 2007 13.02 stating the following: "I agree
100% that we must test the [tyre gas] thing very soon"

braking system

3.18 On 12 April 2007 at 12.25 Mr. de la Rosa wrote to Mr. Coughlan and asked “ can
you explain me as much as you can, Ferrari’s braking system with the [reference
to detailed technical information]? Are they adjusting from inside the cockpit…

3.19 After a number of exchanges about whether a description would be too
complicated to articulate by e-mail, Mr. Coughlan replies on 14 April 2007 at
14.40 with a technical description which purports to be a description of the
principles underpinning the Ferrari braking system. Ferrari have confirmed that
the description given is an accurate (though incomplete) description of the
principles of its braking system. Coughlan concludes with a statement that “we
are looking at something similar”.

3.20 The e-mail exchange between Mr. de la Rosa and Mr. Alonso dated 25 March
2007 at 01.43 also describes some aspects of the McLaren braking system and
states that “with the information that we have, we believe Ferrari has a similar
” and goes on to describe highly specific elements of the Ferrari system
(which cannot be set out here for confidentiality reasons but which clearly
demonstrate knowledge of Ferrari’s confidential information).

stopping strategy

3.21 As mentioned above, Mr. de la Rosa’s e-mail on 25 March 2007 13.02 stated “all
the information from Ferrari is very reliable. It comes from Nigel Stepney, their
former chief mechanic – I don’t know what post he holds now. He’s the same
person who told us in Australia that Kimi was stopping in lap 18. He’s very
friendly with Mike Coughlan, our Chief Designer, and he told him that"

4 New Evidence – Communications between Coughlan and Stepney

4.3 In its report “Allegato 18”, the Italian Police demonstrated that in the period 21
March to 3 July 2007, Coughlan received 23 calls from Stepney’s personal mobile
phone and made four calls to that phone. In the same period, Coughlan received
124 SMS messages from Stepney and sent 66 SMS messages to Stepney.

4.4 In its report “Allegato 9” the Italian Police have identified logs which show 23 emails
passed between Coughlan and Stepney between 1 March and 14 April

4.5 In its report “Allegato 10” the Italian police have identified a further 98 SMS
messages and a further eight telephone calls (on different phones) between
Coughlan and Stepney between 11 March and 14 April 2007.

4.6 In total, at least 288 SMS messages and 35 telephone calls appear to have passed
between Coughlan and Stepney between 11 March 2007 and 3 July 2007.

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- Informazione Pubblicitaria -
Hanno cercato di trovare un equilibrio(per loro).. se avessero squalificato i piloti gli ascolti sarebbero diminuiti e questo non potevano permetterlo.. purtroppo quando ci sono di mezzo i soldi tutto cambia.. i soldi dominano il mondo. Comunque sia nessuno si sarebbe aspettato che una scuderia come la Mclaren potesse arrivare a tanto.. è evidente che pur di recuperare(vista ormai la profonda crisi dalla quale non riuscivano ad uscirne) hanno deciso di prendere una scorciatoia ma hanno solo peggiorato le cose. Eccola qua la grandezza degli anglotedeschi.. una vera vergogna ed un crollo di immagine spaventoso. L'eventuale vittoria di Alonso o di Hamilton in questo mondiale non avrà valore.
tenerone ha detto:
Non mi vengano a dire che dall'interno McLaren non sapevano cosa combinava uno dei loro progettisti di punta.... :cattive62nono:, cmq sia...l'errore + grande lo ha commesso (SE lo ha commesso) l'Azienda Ferrari fornendo la possibilità (o i permessi) a Stepney di accedere a dati riservati talvolta sconosciuti anche a progettisti colleghi di ufficio... :allesmoegliche009:
Non voglio proprio dire che noi l'avevamo detto.. .: sgrat :.
Quello che lascia amareggiato è il comportamento di molti pseudo-italiani che ancora oggi criticano le parole di Montezemolo sulla corretta vittoria costruttori a tavolino del mondiale 2007 : ma di fronte ad altissimi vantaggi tecnici McLaren dovuti alla mega-truffa (ad esempio il gas anti-usura usato per i pneumatici) cosa avrebbe dovuto dire? :Indiavolato:
E' ovvio che le vittorie ottenute in pista sono un'altra cosa ma :

1) Tutto il casino iniziale non l'ha fatto certo la Ferrari...

2) Abbiamo già dimostrato agli anglo-tedeschi come si vince in pista un Mondiale piloti e Costruttori...mi sembra che la McLaren non vinca qualcosa dai tempi del mitico Hakkinen... :put_down:

Di questo passo a Woking chiuderanno le saracinesche

Amen .: muerte :.
Però non ho capito che provvedimenti siano stati presi nei confronti di Coughlan e Stepney !

Non andavano radiati ? .: sgrat :.
- Informazione Pubblicitaria -
La sentenza va vista come un bicchiere mezzo vuoto, perchè sinceramene è scandaloso che in questo sport, dove i dati sonbo importantissimi, si faccia passare queste accuse, la meclaren andava squalificafata..... :eclipsee_Victoria:
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