The pressure is ok 1.6 1.5 for max boost but i fink you go thin of fuel . The turbo is perfectli cleen . And when you remap try to go a little bet fat of fuel .. and the turbo inevitably it is a bit dirty with soot . have you the control of temperature exaust ? It seems a break for temperature..
I agree with ZioDaedrico. Too lean mixture caused very high temperatures and broke the turbocharger.
Stock turbocharger can push 1.8 bar at mid rev and max 1.6 bar at high rev but you keep the EGT or at least the AFR.
At full load it must be max 11.6 - 11.8 for safety EGT (max. 980°).
Good value of AFR, the issue probably is due to the presence of the catalyst, that generate excessive back-pressure on the exhaust side of the turbocharger.
Buongiorno amici, mi unisco al gruppo dei TURBO-MENOMATI... Dopo 8 anni e 116000km credo di aver rotto il compressore...credo perché devo ancora verificare ma i sintomi ci sono tutti...nessuna fumata e nessuna spia accesa ma semplicemente perdita di potenza in autostrada seguita da un rumore di grattugia metallico e un rumore di macchina cammina ma appena mi avvicino ai 2000rpm sento "stoc" e inizia il rumore di macinino...che vitaccia...